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Happy New Year

Published:2016-01-12 15:33:26    Text Size:【BIG】【MEDIUM】【SMALL】

It is the end of 2015 and the new year is around the corner. We would like to take this chance to thank all the customers for your consistent trust of Huakai products and your strong support of our team members. In 2016, Huakai Plastic will continuously develop safety glass laminating films and provide outstanding PVB films for laminated safety glass.

Huakai Plastic (Chongqing) Co., Ltd. has made a holiday plan for the coming year. Offices will be closed from Jan. 1st, 2016 to Jan. 3rd, 2016 for New Year and will resume work on Jan. 4th,2016. Sorry for any inconvenience might be caused. Any urgent issue, please kindly connect to the hot line 400-099-6779. We will settle your issue as soon as possible. We appreciate your understanding.

On the occasion of the coming year, wish all the customers, home and abroad, a happy new year. May all of us, hand in hand, with brighter prospects.
